Introduction to Learning Product

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thank you for visiting my learning product! The topic I am exploring is very serious and very heavy; my research focuses on youth suicide. I’m a volunteer for a local organization that works with high-risk and at-risk youth, where self-harm, mental health, and suicide are real and serious issues that some of the youth face. I have minimal training in suicide intervention and prevention, so I am using this learning product as way to further my own knowledge on the demographics, risk factors, warning signs, assessments, studies, and frameworks of youth suicide. I truly hope that someone else in this class will benefit from this research as much as I have.

Here is the outline of my presentation. Clicking on each will take you to that page. Feel free to explore. Thank you!
  1. Development Questions
  2. Demographics of Youth Suicide: Gender, Age,Geography, Socioeconomic Status
  3. Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior
  4. Warning Signs and Common Myths
  5. Exposure to Peer Suicide – Grief
  6. Suicide Risk Assessment: Change, Hope,Connection
  7. Establishing aConnection: Empathy versus Sympathy
  8. Suicide and SocialNetworking Sites
  9. Frameworks: ACommunity Based Approach to Preventing Youth Suicide
  10. Suicide Intervention and Prevention in Alberta
  11. Works Cited

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